Collection of spotify api urls replace with str.format(id='test')
Collection of spotify api urls
Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/urls.py
class URLS:
Collection of spotify api urls
AUTHORIZE: str = "https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize"
REFRESH: str = "https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token"
class ALBUM:
URLs concerning the album
ONE: str = BASE_URL + "/albums/{id}"
TRACKS: str = BASE_URL + "/albums/{id}/tracks"
MULTIPLE: str = BASE_URL + "/albums"
class ARTIST:
URLs concerning the artist
ONE: str = BASE_URL + "/artists/{id}"
ALBUM: str = BASE_URL + "/artists/{id}/albums"
TOP_TRACKS: str = BASE_URL + "/artists/{id}/top-tracks"
SIMILAR_ARTISTS: str = BASE_URL + "/artists/{id}/related-artists"
SEVERAL: str = BASE_URL + "/artists/"
class BROWSE:
URLs concerning the browsing of artists and categories
GENRE_SEEDS: str = BASE_URL + "/recommendations/available-genre-seeds"
CATEGORY: str = BASE_URL + "/browse/categories/{category_id}"
CATEGORY_PLAYLIST: str = BASE_URL + "/browse/categories/{category_id}/playlists"
CATEGORY_LIST: str = BASE_URL + "/browse/categories"
FEATURED_PLAYLISTS: str = BASE_URL + "/browse/featured-playlists"
RELEASES: str = BASE_URL + "/browse/new-releases"
RECOMMENDATIONS: str = BASE_URL + "/recommendations"
URLs concerning episodes
ONE: str = BASE_URL + "/episodes/{id}"
MULTIPLE: str = BASE_URL + "/episodes"
class FOLLOW:
URLs concerning the follow endpoint
CONTAINS: str = BASE_URL + "/me/following/contains"
CONTAINS_PLAYLIST: str = BASE_URL + "/playlists/{playlist_id}/followers/contains"
HUMAN: str = BASE_URL + "/me/following"
PLAYLIST: str = BASE_URL + "/playlists/{playlist_id}/followers"
FOLLOWING_ARTISTS: str = BASE_URL + "/me/following?type=artist"
class LIBRARY:
URLs concerning the user library
CONTAINS_ALBUM: str = BASE_URL + "/me/albums/contains"
CONTAINS_TRACK: str = BASE_URL + "/me/tracks/contains"
CONTAINS_SHOWS: str = BASE_URL + "/me/shows/contains"
ALBUMS: str = BASE_URL + "/me/albums"
TRACKS: str = BASE_URL + "/me/tracks"
SHOWS: str = BASE_URL + "/me/shows"
URLs to get habits over the user
TOP: str = BASE_URL + "/me/top/{type}"
class PLAYER:
URLs concerning the player
PLAYER: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player"
QUEUE: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/queue"
DEVICES: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/devices"
RECENTLY: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/recently-played"
PLAYING: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/currently-playing"
PAUSE: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/pause"
SEEK: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/seek"
REPEAT: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/repeat"
VOLUME: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/volume"
NEXT: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/next"
PREVIOUS: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/previous"
PLAY: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/play"
SHUFFLE: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/shuffle"
URLs concerning the playlists
ADD_TRACKS: str = BASE_URL + "/playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks"
ONE: str = BASE_URL + "/playlists/{playlist_id}"
CREATE: str = BASE_URL + "/users/{user_id}/playlists"
ME: str = BASE_URL + "/me/playlists"
USER: str = BASE_URL + "/users/{user_id}/playlists"
COVER: str = BASE_URL + "/playlists/{playlist_id}/images"
TRACKS: str = BASE_URL + "/playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks"
SEARCH: str = BASE_URL + "/search"
class SHOWS:
URLs concerning shows
ONE: str = BASE_URL + "/shows/{id}"
EPISODES: str = BASE_URL + "/shows/{id}/episodes"
SEVERAL: str = BASE_URL + "/shows"
class TRACKS:
URLs concerning tracks
ANALYZE: str = BASE_URL + "/audio-analysis/{id}"
FEATURES: str = BASE_URL + "/audio-features/{id}"
MULTI_FEATURES: str = BASE_URL + "/audio-features"
SEVERAL: str = BASE_URL + "/tracks"
ONE: str = BASE_URL + "/tracks/{id}"
class USER:
URLs concerning a spotify user profile
ME: str = BASE_URL + "/me"
USER: str = BASE_URL + "/users/{user_id}"
URLs concerning the album
Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/urls.py
class ALBUM:
URLs concerning the album
ONE: str = BASE_URL + "/albums/{id}"
TRACKS: str = BASE_URL + "/albums/{id}/tracks"
MULTIPLE: str = BASE_URL + "/albums"
URLs concerning the artist
Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/urls.py
class ARTIST:
URLs concerning the artist
ONE: str = BASE_URL + "/artists/{id}"
ALBUM: str = BASE_URL + "/artists/{id}/albums"
TOP_TRACKS: str = BASE_URL + "/artists/{id}/top-tracks"
SIMILAR_ARTISTS: str = BASE_URL + "/artists/{id}/related-artists"
SEVERAL: str = BASE_URL + "/artists/"
URLs concerning the browsing of artists and categories
Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/urls.py
class BROWSE:
URLs concerning the browsing of artists and categories
GENRE_SEEDS: str = BASE_URL + "/recommendations/available-genre-seeds"
CATEGORY: str = BASE_URL + "/browse/categories/{category_id}"
CATEGORY_PLAYLIST: str = BASE_URL + "/browse/categories/{category_id}/playlists"
CATEGORY_LIST: str = BASE_URL + "/browse/categories"
FEATURED_PLAYLISTS: str = BASE_URL + "/browse/featured-playlists"
RELEASES: str = BASE_URL + "/browse/new-releases"
RECOMMENDATIONS: str = BASE_URL + "/recommendations"
URLs concerning episodes
Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/urls.py
URLs concerning episodes
ONE: str = BASE_URL + "/episodes/{id}"
MULTIPLE: str = BASE_URL + "/episodes"
URLs concerning the follow endpoint
Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/urls.py
class FOLLOW:
URLs concerning the follow endpoint
CONTAINS: str = BASE_URL + "/me/following/contains"
CONTAINS_PLAYLIST: str = BASE_URL + "/playlists/{playlist_id}/followers/contains"
HUMAN: str = BASE_URL + "/me/following"
PLAYLIST: str = BASE_URL + "/playlists/{playlist_id}/followers"
FOLLOWING_ARTISTS: str = BASE_URL + "/me/following?type=artist"
URLs concerning the user library
Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/urls.py
class LIBRARY:
URLs concerning the user library
CONTAINS_ALBUM: str = BASE_URL + "/me/albums/contains"
CONTAINS_TRACK: str = BASE_URL + "/me/tracks/contains"
CONTAINS_SHOWS: str = BASE_URL + "/me/shows/contains"
ALBUMS: str = BASE_URL + "/me/albums"
TRACKS: str = BASE_URL + "/me/tracks"
SHOWS: str = BASE_URL + "/me/shows"
URLs to get habits over the user
Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/urls.py
URLs to get habits over the user
TOP: str = BASE_URL + "/me/top/{type}"
URLs concerning the player
Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/urls.py
class PLAYER:
URLs concerning the player
PLAYER: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player"
QUEUE: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/queue"
DEVICES: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/devices"
RECENTLY: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/recently-played"
PLAYING: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/currently-playing"
PAUSE: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/pause"
SEEK: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/seek"
REPEAT: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/repeat"
VOLUME: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/volume"
NEXT: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/next"
PREVIOUS: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/previous"
PLAY: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/play"
SHUFFLE: str = BASE_URL + "/me/player/shuffle"
URLs concerning the playlists
Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/urls.py
URLs concerning the playlists
ADD_TRACKS: str = BASE_URL + "/playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks"
ONE: str = BASE_URL + "/playlists/{playlist_id}"
CREATE: str = BASE_URL + "/users/{user_id}/playlists"
ME: str = BASE_URL + "/me/playlists"
USER: str = BASE_URL + "/users/{user_id}/playlists"
COVER: str = BASE_URL + "/playlists/{playlist_id}/images"
TRACKS: str = BASE_URL + "/playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks"
URLs concerning shows
Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/urls.py
class SHOWS:
URLs concerning shows
ONE: str = BASE_URL + "/shows/{id}"
EPISODES: str = BASE_URL + "/shows/{id}/episodes"
SEVERAL: str = BASE_URL + "/shows"
URLs concerning tracks
Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/urls.py
class TRACKS:
URLs concerning tracks
ANALYZE: str = BASE_URL + "/audio-analysis/{id}"
FEATURES: str = BASE_URL + "/audio-features/{id}"
MULTI_FEATURES: str = BASE_URL + "/audio-features"
SEVERAL: str = BASE_URL + "/tracks"
ONE: str = BASE_URL + "/tracks/{id}"
URLs concerning a spotify user profile
Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/urls.py
class USER:
URLs concerning a spotify user profile
ME: str = BASE_URL + "/me"
USER: str = BASE_URL + "/users/{user_id}"
Last update:
August 28, 2020