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Request Handler

The api request handler singleton


The request handler that makes the calls to the spotify api. This class is a singleton.

Source code in async_spotify/api/
class ApiRequestHandler:
    The request handler that makes the calls to the spotify api.
    This class is a singleton.

    def __init__(self, spotify_authorisation_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken,
                 token_renew_instance: TokenRenewClass,
        Create a new ApiRequestHandler class. The api class should be at least once passed to the constructor of this
        class. Otherwise it will not work.

            spotify_authorisation_token: The auth token of the api class
            token_renew_instance: An instance of a token renew class
            spotify_api_client: The spotify api client

        self.spotify_authorisation_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = spotify_authorisation_token
        self.token_renew_instance: TokenRenewClass = token_renew_instance
        self.__spotify_api_client = spotify_api_client
        self.client_session_list: Optional[Deque[ClientSession]] = deque([])

    async def create_new_client(self, request_timeout: int, request_limit: int) -> None:
        Create a new client

            request_timeout: The timout which should be used for making requests
            request_limit: The maximal number of requests per session

        if self.client_session_list:
            await self.close_client()

        client_instance_number: int = math.ceil(request_limit / 500)

        for _ in range(client_instance_number):
            timeout = ClientTimeout(total=request_timeout)
            connector = TCPConnector(limit=request_limit, enable_cleanup_closed=True)
            client_session = ClientSession(connector=connector, timeout=timeout, cookie_jar=DummyCookieJar())


    async def close_client(self) -> None:
        Close the current client session. You have to create a new one to connect again to spotify.
        This method should always be called before you end your program

        for client in self.client_session_list:
            await client.close()

        self.client_session_list: Deque = deque([])

    async def make_request(self,
                           method: str,
                           url: str,
                           query_params: Optional[dict],
                           auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken,
                           body: dict = None,
                           last_try=False) \
            -> Union[dict, List[bool], None, bool]:
        Make a request to the spotify api

            method: The method that should be used (get, post, put, delete)
            url: The url the request is going to
            query_params: URL query params for the request
            auth_token: The auth token (None if the in memory token should be used)
            body: Add a body to the request
            last_try: Check if this is the last try (used if you use a token refresh class)

        Returns: The spotify api response

        if not self.client_session_list:
            message = 'You have to create a new client with create_new_client ' \
                      'before you can make requests to the spotify api.'
            raise SpotifyError(ErrorMessage(message=message).__dict__)

        # Prepare the data for the api request
        url_params, headers, updated_body = self._prepare_request_parameters(auth_token, query_params, body)

        # Round robin so you use a different client for every new request
        client: ClientSession = self.client_session_list[0]

        # Make the api response
        async with client.request(method, url, params=url_params, headers=headers, data=updated_body) as response:
            response_status = ResponseStatus(response.status)

            # Handle the parsing of the rate limit exceeded response which does not work for some reason
            response_text: str = await response.text()
            response_json: dict = {}
            retry_after: str = response.headers.get('Retry-After', None)

                response_json: dict = json.loads(response_text)
            except JSONDecodeError:

        # Expired
        if response_status.code == 401:

            if self.token_renew_instance and not last_try:
                auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = await self.token_renew_instance(self.__spotify_api_client)

                # Update the auth token if the token should be kept in memory
                if self.spotify_authorisation_token.valid:
                    self.spotify_authorisation_token.access_token = auth_token.access_token
                    self.spotify_authorisation_token.activation_time = auth_token.activation_time
                    self.spotify_authorisation_token.refresh_token = auth_token.refresh_token

                return await self.make_request(method, url, query_params, auth_token, body, last_try=True)
                raise TokenExpired(response_json)

        # Rate limit exceeded
        if response_status.code == 429:
                float_val = float(retry_after)
            except ValueError:
                float_val = 0
            raise RateLimitExceeded(message=response_json, retry_after=float_val)

        # Check if the response was a success
        if not response_status.success:
            raise SpotifyAPIError(response_json)

        return response_json

    def _prepare_request_parameters(self, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken, query_params: dict, body: dict) \
            -> Tuple[List[Tuple[str, str]], dict, str]:
        Prepare the request parameters for the aiohttp request

            auth_token: An auth_token
            query_params: URL params for the request
            body: The request body (either string or dict)

            A tuple with the
            in the right format
        url_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = self._format_params(query_params)
        headers = self._get_headers(auth_token)

        # Check if the body should be a json or an image
        if body and isinstance(body, dict):
            body = json.dumps(body)
        elif body:
            headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg'

        return url_params, headers, body

    def _format_params(query_params: dict) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
        Converts the query dict into the aiohttp conform Type

            query_params: The query params

        Returns: The aiohttp conform object

        return_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []

        for key in list(query_params.keys()):
            if not isinstance(query_params[key], List):
                query_params[key] = [str(query_params[key])]

            return_params.append((key, ",".join([str(i) for i in query_params[key]])))

        return return_params

    def _get_headers(self, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken) -> dict:
        Build the spotify header used to authenticate the user for the spotify api

            auth_token: The spotify auth token

        Returns: The header as json

        if not auth_token:

            if self.spotify_authorisation_token.valid:
                auth_token = self.spotify_authorisation_token
                message = 'You have to provide a valid auth token or set the option hold_authentication to true and ' \
                          'call the get_auth_token_with_code or refresh_token method at leas once'
                raise SpotifyError(ErrorMessage(message=message).__dict__)

        return {
            'Authorization': f'Bearer {auth_token.access_token}',
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'

__init__(self, spotify_authorisation_token, token_renew_instance, spotify_api_client) special

Create a new ApiRequestHandler class. The api class should be at least once passed to the constructor of this class. Otherwise it will not work.


Name Type Description Default
spotify_authorisation_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The auth token of the api class

token_renew_instance TokenRenewClass

An instance of a token renew class


The spotify api client

Source code in async_spotify/api/
def __init__(self, spotify_authorisation_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken,
             token_renew_instance: TokenRenewClass,
    Create a new ApiRequestHandler class. The api class should be at least once passed to the constructor of this
    class. Otherwise it will not work.

        spotify_authorisation_token: The auth token of the api class
        token_renew_instance: An instance of a token renew class
        spotify_api_client: The spotify api client

    self.spotify_authorisation_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = spotify_authorisation_token
    self.token_renew_instance: TokenRenewClass = token_renew_instance
    self.__spotify_api_client = spotify_api_client
    self.client_session_list: Optional[Deque[ClientSession]] = deque([])

close_client(self) async

Close the current client session. You have to create a new one to connect again to spotify. This method should always be called before you end your program

Source code in async_spotify/api/
async def close_client(self) -> None:
    Close the current client session. You have to create a new one to connect again to spotify.
    This method should always be called before you end your program

    for client in self.client_session_list:
        await client.close()

    self.client_session_list: Deque = deque([])

create_new_client(self, request_timeout, request_limit) async

Create a new client


Name Type Description Default
request_timeout int

The timout which should be used for making requests

request_limit int

The maximal number of requests per session

Source code in async_spotify/api/
async def create_new_client(self, request_timeout: int, request_limit: int) -> None:
    Create a new client

        request_timeout: The timout which should be used for making requests
        request_limit: The maximal number of requests per session

    if self.client_session_list:
        await self.close_client()

    client_instance_number: int = math.ceil(request_limit / 500)

    for _ in range(client_instance_number):
        timeout = ClientTimeout(total=request_timeout)
        connector = TCPConnector(limit=request_limit, enable_cleanup_closed=True)
        client_session = ClientSession(connector=connector, timeout=timeout, cookie_jar=DummyCookieJar())


make_request(self, method, url, query_params, auth_token, body=None, last_try=False) async

Make a request to the spotify api


Name Type Description Default
method str

The method that should be used (get, post, put, delete)

url str

The url the request is going to

query_params Optional[dict]

URL query params for the request

auth_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The auth token (None if the in memory token should be used)

body dict

Add a body to the request


Check if this is the last try (used if you use a token refresh class)


Returns: The spotify api response

Source code in async_spotify/api/
async def make_request(self,
                       method: str,
                       url: str,
                       query_params: Optional[dict],
                       auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken,
                       body: dict = None,
                       last_try=False) \
        -> Union[dict, List[bool], None, bool]:
    Make a request to the spotify api

        method: The method that should be used (get, post, put, delete)
        url: The url the request is going to
        query_params: URL query params for the request
        auth_token: The auth token (None if the in memory token should be used)
        body: Add a body to the request
        last_try: Check if this is the last try (used if you use a token refresh class)

    Returns: The spotify api response

    if not self.client_session_list:
        message = 'You have to create a new client with create_new_client ' \
                  'before you can make requests to the spotify api.'
        raise SpotifyError(ErrorMessage(message=message).__dict__)

    # Prepare the data for the api request
    url_params, headers, updated_body = self._prepare_request_parameters(auth_token, query_params, body)

    # Round robin so you use a different client for every new request
    client: ClientSession = self.client_session_list[0]

    # Make the api response
    async with client.request(method, url, params=url_params, headers=headers, data=updated_body) as response:
        response_status = ResponseStatus(response.status)

        # Handle the parsing of the rate limit exceeded response which does not work for some reason
        response_text: str = await response.text()
        response_json: dict = {}
        retry_after: str = response.headers.get('Retry-After', None)

            response_json: dict = json.loads(response_text)
        except JSONDecodeError:

    # Expired
    if response_status.code == 401:

        if self.token_renew_instance and not last_try:
            auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = await self.token_renew_instance(self.__spotify_api_client)

            # Update the auth token if the token should be kept in memory
            if self.spotify_authorisation_token.valid:
                self.spotify_authorisation_token.access_token = auth_token.access_token
                self.spotify_authorisation_token.activation_time = auth_token.activation_time
                self.spotify_authorisation_token.refresh_token = auth_token.refresh_token

            return await self.make_request(method, url, query_params, auth_token, body, last_try=True)
            raise TokenExpired(response_json)

    # Rate limit exceeded
    if response_status.code == 429:
            float_val = float(retry_after)
        except ValueError:
            float_val = 0
        raise RateLimitExceeded(message=response_json, retry_after=float_val)

    # Check if the response was a success
    if not response_status.success:
        raise SpotifyAPIError(response_json)

    return response_json

Last update: August 28, 2020