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Spotify Api Client


The class which will be used to authenticate and connect to the spotify api.

Source code in async_spotify/api/
class SpotifyApiClient:
    The class which will be used to authenticate and connect to the spotify api.

    def __init__(self, authorization_flow: AuthorizationFlow,
                 spotify_authorisation_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None,
                 token_renew_instance: TokenRenewClass = None):
        Create a new api class

            authorization_flow: The auth_code_flow object fully filled with information
            hold_authentication: Should the api keep the authentication im memory and refresh it automatically
            token_renew_instance: An instance of a class which handles the renewing of the token if it should expire

        # Check if the auth_code_flow are valid
        if not authorization_flow.valid:
            raise SpotifyError(ErrorMessage(message="The auth flow instance of your app is not correct").__dict__)
        self.authorization_flow: AuthorizationFlow = authorization_flow

        # Set the SpotifyAuthorisationToken
        if spotify_authorisation_token:
            self._spotify_authorisation_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = spotify_authorisation_token
            self._spotify_authorisation_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = SpotifyAuthorisationToken()

        self._token_renew_instance: TokenRenewClass = token_renew_instance
        self._hold_authentication: bool = hold_authentication
        self._api_request_handler: ApiRequestHandler = ApiRequestHandler(self._spotify_authorisation_token,
                                                                         token_renew_instance, self)

        self.albums: Albums = Albums(self._api_request_handler)
        """ An instance of the [`Albums`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.albums] class. Use this to access the 
         Albums api """

        self.artists: Artists = Artists(self._api_request_handler)
        """ An instance of the [`Artists`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.artists] class. Use this to access the 
         Artists api """

        self.browse: Browse = Browse(self._api_request_handler)
        """ An instance of the [`Browse`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.browse] class. Use this to Browse the 
        Browse api """

        self.episodes: Episodes = Episodes(self._api_request_handler)
        """ An instance of the [`Episodes`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.episodes] class. Use this to access the 
         Episodes api """

        self.follow: Follow = Follow(self._api_request_handler)
        """ An instance of the [`Follow`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.follow] class. Use this to access the 
         Follow api """

        self.library: Library = Library(self._api_request_handler)
        """ An instance of the [`Library`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.library] class. Use this to access the 
         Library api """

        self.personalization: Personalization = Personalization(self._api_request_handler)
        """ An instance of the [`Personalization`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.personalization] class. Use this to 
        access the Personalization api """

        self.player: Player = Player(self._api_request_handler)
        """ An instance of the [`Player`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.player] class. Use this to access the 
         Player api """

        self.playlists: Playlists = Playlists(self._api_request_handler)
        """ An instance of the [`Playlists`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.playlists] class. Use this to access the 
         Playlist api """ Search = Search(self._api_request_handler)
        """ An instance of the [`Search`][] class. Use this to access the 
         Search api """

        self.shows: Shows = Shows(self._api_request_handler)
        """ An instance of the [`Shows`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.shows] class. Use this to access the 
         Show api """

        self.track: Track = Track(self._api_request_handler)
        """ An instance of the [`Track`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.tracks] class. Use this to access the 
         Track api """

        self.user: User = User(self._api_request_handler)
        """ An instance of the [`User`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.user] class. Use this to access the 
         User api """

    async def create_new_client(self, request_timeout: int = 30, request_limit: int = 500) -> None:
        Create a new session which will be used to connect to the spotify api.
        In general this only has to be called once after you create a new API object.
        You can however call this method if you want ot update the client settings (more requests, ...)
        This will however close all ongoing requests.

            request_timeout: How long should be waited for a request (default 30s) (None for no limit)
            request_limit: How many requests should be allowed (default 500)

        await self._api_request_handler.create_new_client(request_timeout, request_limit)

    async def close_client(self) -> None:
        Close the current client session. You have to create a new one to connect again to spotify.
        This method should always be called before you end your program

        await self._api_request_handler.close_client()

    def build_authorization_url(self, show_dialog: bool = True, state: str = None) -> str:
        Builds the URL for the authorisation

            state: State of the authorization
            show_dialog: Should the spotify auth dialog be shown

            The encoded url which can be used to authorize a new or existing user


        # TODO PKCEFlow
        self.authorization_flow: Union[AuthorizationCodeFlow]
        params = {
            "client_id": self.authorization_flow.application_id,
            "response_type": "code",
            "scope": ' '.join(self.authorization_flow.scopes),
            "show_dialog": f"{show_dialog}",
            "redirect_uri": f"{self.authorization_flow.redirect_url}"

        # Check if a state is required
        if state:
            params["state"] = f"{state}"

        return f"{URLS.AUTHORIZE}?{urlencode(params)}"

    def open_oauth_dialog_in_browser(self, show_dialogue: bool = True) -> None:
        Open the url in browser
        Only for testing purposes or the usage of this library in a desktop app

            show_dialogue: Should the spotify auth dialog be shown

        # Open url in a new window of the default browser, if possible

    async def get_code_with_cookie(self, cookies: SpotifyCookie) -> str:
        This function takes care of the user interaction that is normally required to get the code from spotify
        which is necessary to request the refresh_token and the oauth_token.
        The token which is returned by this function has to be passed to API.get_auth_token_with_code(code)
        to get the refresh_token and the oauth_token.
        The big advantage is that you don't have to run a callback server to get the code

            This will only work if the user has at least once accepted the scopes your app is requesting.
            I would recommend that you take a look at the source code of this function before you use it and that you
            are familiar with the authorization mechanism of spotify.

            This method is intended for automated testing. You have to decide if you want to use it in you production

            cookies: The cookies of the spotify account. Every property of the class has to be filled in.

            SpotifyError: If the cookie is not valid
            SpotifyError: If there is a redirect between you and spotify
            SpotifyError: If there is an unknown error

            The spotify code which can be used to get a refresh_token and a oauth_token

        # Build the auth url
        url = self.build_authorization_url(show_dialog=False)

        # Check if the cookie file is valid
        if not cookies.valid:
            raise SpotifyError(ErrorMessage(message='The cookies are not complete').__dict__)

        # Convert the class to a dict
        cookie_dict: dict = cookies.__dict__

        return await self._track_request_without_callback(cookie_dict, url)

    async def _track_request_without_callback(cookie_dict: dict, url: str) -> str:
        Make a request to the spotify api without redirects. No callback server needed.

            cookie_dict: The cookie dict used for authentification
            url: The url of the spotify request

            SpotifyError: If there is a redirect between you and spotify
            SpotifyError: If there is an unknown error

        Returns: The code of spotify

        code: Optional[str] = None

        async def redirect(_: ClientSession, __: SimpleNamespace, trace_request: TraceRequestRedirectParams) -> None:
            Handler the redirect event aiohttp is firing

                _: ClientSession
                __: SimpleNamespace
                trace_request: The current redirect request response

            # Get the redirect url
            location: Optional[str] = trace_request.response.headers.get('location')

            # Parse the url
            local_url = parse.urlparse(location)
            query: dict = parse.parse_qs(local_url.query)

            # Check if code is the redirect url
            _code: Optional[List[str]] = query.get('code')

            if _code:
                nonlocal code
                code = _code[0]

        # Create a callback every time there is a redirect
        trace_config = TraceConfig()

            # Make an api request to spotify
            async with ClientSession(cookies=cookie_dict, trace_configs=[trace_config]) as session:
                async with session.get(url) as resp:
                    response_text = await resp.text()
            await session.close()
        except ClientConnectorError:
            # Ignore the error in case no callback server is running

        if not code:
            message = f'The collection of the code did not work. Did the user already agree to the scopes' \
                      f' of your app? \n {response_text}'

            raise SpotifyError(ErrorMessage(message=message).__dict__)

        return code

    async def get_auth_token_with_client_credentials(self) -> SpotifyAuthorisationToken:
        Get the auth token with the client credential flow


            SpotifyError: If the request to the refresh api point was not successful

            A valid SpotifyAuthorisationToken

        if not isinstance(self.authorization_flow, ClientCredentialsFlow):
            raise SpotifyError(ErrorMessage(
                message="Your authorization flow cannot build an authorization url. "
                        "Select the ClientCredentialsFlow instead").__dict__)

        body: dict = {
            'grant_type': 'client_credentials',

        return await self._get_token(body)

    async def get_auth_token_with_code(self, code: str) -> SpotifyAuthorisationToken:
        Get the auth token with the code returned by the oauth process.

            code: The code returned by spotify in the oauth process


            SpotifyError: If the request to the refresh api point was not successful

            A valid SpotifyAuthorisationToken

        # TODO PKCEFlow
        self.authorization_flow: Union[AuthorizationCodeFlow]

        body: dict = {
            'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
            'code': code,
            'redirect_uri': self.authorization_flow.redirect_url

        return await self._get_token(body)

    async def _get_token(self, body) -> SpotifyAuthorisationToken:
        Get the token from the api

            body: Request body

        Returns: The new SpotifyAuthorisationToken
        response_json: dict = await self._make_auth_api_request(body)

        refresh_token: str = response_json['refresh_token'] if 'refresh_token' in response_json else ''
        access_token: str = response_json['access_token']

        self._spotify_authorisation_token.activation_time = int(time.time())
        self._spotify_authorisation_token.refresh_token = refresh_token
        self._spotify_authorisation_token.access_token = access_token

        return deepcopy(self._spotify_authorisation_token)

    async def refresh_token(self, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> SpotifyAuthorisationToken:
        Refresh the auth token with the refresh token or get a new auth token and refresh token with the code returned
        by the spotify auth flow.

            auth_token: The refresh token or the code returned by the spotify auth flow. Leave empty if you enabled
                hold_authentication. Then the internal token will be used.


            The SpotifyAuthorisationToken


        # Check if the internal auth token should be used
        if not auth_token and self._hold_authentication:
            auth_token = self._spotify_authorisation_token

        body: dict = {
            'grant_type': 'refresh_token',
            'refresh_token': auth_token.refresh_token

        response_json: dict = await self._make_auth_api_request(body)

        refresh_token = auth_token.refresh_token
        access_token = response_json['access_token']

        # Keep the auth token in memory
        self._spotify_authorisation_token.refresh_token = refresh_token
        self._spotify_authorisation_token.activation_time = int(time.time())
        self._spotify_authorisation_token.access_token = access_token

        return deepcopy(self._spotify_authorisation_token)

    async def _make_auth_api_request(self, body: dict) -> dict:
        Make an api request to the refresh endpoint

            body: The body of the request

            The access token and the refresh token if the grant_type was code

        self.authorization_flow: Union[ClientCredentialsFlow, AuthorizationCodeFlow]

        # Build the header of the request
        base_64: base64 = base64.b64encode(
        header: dict = {'Authorization': f'Basic {base_64.decode("ascii")}'}

        # Make the request to the api
        async with ClientSession() as session:
            async with, data=body, headers=header) as response:
                response_status = ResponseStatus(response.status)
                response_text: str = await response.text()
            await session.close()

        # The response was not ok
        if not response_status.success:
            raise SpotifyError(ErrorMessage(message=response_text).__dict__)

        return json.loads(response_text)

    async def next(self, url: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> dict:
        Get the next 'page' of the response

            url: The next url
            auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

            The api response

        return await self._api_request_handler.make_request('GET', url, {}, auth_token)

    async def previous(self, url: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> dict:
        Get the next 'previous' of the response

            url: The previous url
            auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

            The api response

        return await self._api_request_handler.make_request('GET', url, {}, auth_token)

    def _enforce_flows(self):
        Make sure that the flows are ether the AuthorizationCodeFlow or the PKCEFlow
        # TODO PKCEFlow
        if not isinstance(self.authorization_flow, AuthorizationCodeFlow):
            raise SpotifyError(ErrorMessage(
                message="Your authorization flow cannot build an authorization url. "
                        "Select the AuthorizationCodeFlow or the PKCEFlow instead").__dict__)

    def spotify_authorization_token(self) -> SpotifyAuthorisationToken:
            The SpotifyAuthorisationToken of the api class
        if not self._hold_authentication:
            raise SpotifyError(ErrorMessage(message='You have to enable hold_authentication').__dict__)

        return self._spotify_authorisation_token

    def spotify_authorization_token(self, spotify_authorization_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken) -> None:
        Update the spotify auth token

            spotify_authorization_token: The spotify auth token

        if not self._hold_authentication:
            raise SpotifyError(ErrorMessage(message='You have to enable hold_authentication').__dict__)

        self._spotify_authorisation_token.refresh_token = spotify_authorization_token.refresh_token
        self._spotify_authorisation_token.access_token = spotify_authorization_token.access_token
        self._spotify_authorisation_token.activation_time = spotify_authorization_token.activation_time

    def hold_authentication(self) -> bool:
            The hold_authentication property of the spotify api client class

        return self._hold_authentication

    def hold_authentication(self, hold_authentication: bool) -> None:
        Set the hold_authentication param

            hold_authentication: Should internal auth token be used for authentication

        self._hold_authentication = hold_authentication

        if not hold_authentication:
            self._spotify_authorisation_token.activation_time = None
            self._spotify_authorisation_token.access_token = None
            self._spotify_authorisation_token.refresh_token = None

    def token_renew_instance(self) -> TokenRenewClass:
        Returns the token renew class instance

        Returns: The token renew class instance

        return self._token_renew_instance

    def token_renew_instance(self, value: TokenRenewClass) -> None:
        Set the token renew instance

            value: The new token renew instance

        self._token_renew_instance = value
        self._api_request_handler.token_renew_instance = value

hold_authentication: bool property writable


Type Description

The hold_authentication property of the spotify api client class

spotify_authorization_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken property writable


Type Description

The SpotifyAuthorisationToken of the api class

token_renew_instance: TokenRenewClass property writable

Returns the token renew class instance

Returns: The token renew class instance

__init__(self, authorization_flow, hold_authentication=False, spotify_authorisation_token=None, token_renew_instance=None) special

Create a new api class


Name Type Description Default
authorization_flow AuthorizationFlow

The auth_code_flow object fully filled with information


Should the api keep the authentication im memory and refresh it automatically

token_renew_instance TokenRenewClass

An instance of a class which handles the renewing of the token if it should expire

Source code in async_spotify/api/
def __init__(self, authorization_flow: AuthorizationFlow,
             spotify_authorisation_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None,
             token_renew_instance: TokenRenewClass = None):
    Create a new api class

        authorization_flow: The auth_code_flow object fully filled with information
        hold_authentication: Should the api keep the authentication im memory and refresh it automatically
        token_renew_instance: An instance of a class which handles the renewing of the token if it should expire

    # Check if the auth_code_flow are valid
    if not authorization_flow.valid:
        raise SpotifyError(ErrorMessage(message="The auth flow instance of your app is not correct").__dict__)
    self.authorization_flow: AuthorizationFlow = authorization_flow

    # Set the SpotifyAuthorisationToken
    if spotify_authorisation_token:
        self._spotify_authorisation_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = spotify_authorisation_token
        self._spotify_authorisation_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = SpotifyAuthorisationToken()

    self._token_renew_instance: TokenRenewClass = token_renew_instance
    self._hold_authentication: bool = hold_authentication
    self._api_request_handler: ApiRequestHandler = ApiRequestHandler(self._spotify_authorisation_token,
                                                                     token_renew_instance, self)

    self.albums: Albums = Albums(self._api_request_handler)
    """ An instance of the [`Albums`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.albums] class. Use this to access the 
     Albums api """

    self.artists: Artists = Artists(self._api_request_handler)
    """ An instance of the [`Artists`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.artists] class. Use this to access the 
     Artists api """

    self.browse: Browse = Browse(self._api_request_handler)
    """ An instance of the [`Browse`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.browse] class. Use this to Browse the 
    Browse api """

    self.episodes: Episodes = Episodes(self._api_request_handler)
    """ An instance of the [`Episodes`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.episodes] class. Use this to access the 
     Episodes api """

    self.follow: Follow = Follow(self._api_request_handler)
    """ An instance of the [`Follow`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.follow] class. Use this to access the 
     Follow api """

    self.library: Library = Library(self._api_request_handler)
    """ An instance of the [`Library`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.library] class. Use this to access the 
     Library api """

    self.personalization: Personalization = Personalization(self._api_request_handler)
    """ An instance of the [`Personalization`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.personalization] class. Use this to 
    access the Personalization api """

    self.player: Player = Player(self._api_request_handler)
    """ An instance of the [`Player`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.player] class. Use this to access the 
     Player api """

    self.playlists: Playlists = Playlists(self._api_request_handler)
    """ An instance of the [`Playlists`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.playlists] class. Use this to access the 
     Playlist api """ Search = Search(self._api_request_handler)
    """ An instance of the [`Search`][] class. Use this to access the 
     Search api """

    self.shows: Shows = Shows(self._api_request_handler)
    """ An instance of the [`Shows`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.shows] class. Use this to access the 
     Show api """

    self.track: Track = Track(self._api_request_handler)
    """ An instance of the [`Track`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.tracks] class. Use this to access the 
     Track api """

    self.user: User = User(self._api_request_handler)
    """ An instance of the [`User`][async_spotify.api._endpoints.user] class. Use this to access the 
     User api """

build_authorization_url(self, show_dialog=True, state=None)

Builds the URL for the authorisation


Name Type Description Default
state str

State of the authorization

show_dialog bool

Should the spotify auth dialog be shown



Type Description

The encoded url which can be used to authorize a new or existing user

Source code in async_spotify/api/
def build_authorization_url(self, show_dialog: bool = True, state: str = None) -> str:
    Builds the URL for the authorisation

        state: State of the authorization
        show_dialog: Should the spotify auth dialog be shown

        The encoded url which can be used to authorize a new or existing user


    # TODO PKCEFlow
    self.authorization_flow: Union[AuthorizationCodeFlow]
    params = {
        "client_id": self.authorization_flow.application_id,
        "response_type": "code",
        "scope": ' '.join(self.authorization_flow.scopes),
        "show_dialog": f"{show_dialog}",
        "redirect_uri": f"{self.authorization_flow.redirect_url}"

    # Check if a state is required
    if state:
        params["state"] = f"{state}"

    return f"{URLS.AUTHORIZE}?{urlencode(params)}"

close_client(self) async

Close the current client session. You have to create a new one to connect again to spotify. This method should always be called before you end your program

Source code in async_spotify/api/
async def close_client(self) -> None:
    Close the current client session. You have to create a new one to connect again to spotify.
    This method should always be called before you end your program

    await self._api_request_handler.close_client()

create_new_client(self, request_timeout=30, request_limit=500) async

Create a new session which will be used to connect to the spotify api. In general this only has to be called once after you create a new API object. You can however call this method if you want ot update the client settings (more requests, ...) This will however close all ongoing requests.


Name Type Description Default
request_timeout int

How long should be waited for a request (default 30s) (None for no limit)

request_limit int

How many requests should be allowed (default 500)

Source code in async_spotify/api/
async def create_new_client(self, request_timeout: int = 30, request_limit: int = 500) -> None:
    Create a new session which will be used to connect to the spotify api.
    In general this only has to be called once after you create a new API object.
    You can however call this method if you want ot update the client settings (more requests, ...)
    This will however close all ongoing requests.

        request_timeout: How long should be waited for a request (default 30s) (None for no limit)
        request_limit: How many requests should be allowed (default 500)

    await self._api_request_handler.create_new_client(request_timeout, request_limit)

get_auth_token_with_client_credentials(self) async

Get the auth token with the client credential flow


Type Description

If the request to the refresh api point was not successful


Type Description

A valid SpotifyAuthorisationToken

Source code in async_spotify/api/
async def get_auth_token_with_client_credentials(self) -> SpotifyAuthorisationToken:
    Get the auth token with the client credential flow


        SpotifyError: If the request to the refresh api point was not successful

        A valid SpotifyAuthorisationToken

    if not isinstance(self.authorization_flow, ClientCredentialsFlow):
        raise SpotifyError(ErrorMessage(
            message="Your authorization flow cannot build an authorization url. "
                    "Select the ClientCredentialsFlow instead").__dict__)

    body: dict = {
        'grant_type': 'client_credentials',

    return await self._get_token(body)

get_auth_token_with_code(self, code) async

Get the auth token with the code returned by the oauth process.


Name Type Description Default
code str

The code returned by spotify in the oauth process



Type Description

If the request to the refresh api point was not successful


Type Description

A valid SpotifyAuthorisationToken

Source code in async_spotify/api/
async def get_auth_token_with_code(self, code: str) -> SpotifyAuthorisationToken:
    Get the auth token with the code returned by the oauth process.

        code: The code returned by spotify in the oauth process


        SpotifyError: If the request to the refresh api point was not successful

        A valid SpotifyAuthorisationToken

    # TODO PKCEFlow
    self.authorization_flow: Union[AuthorizationCodeFlow]

    body: dict = {
        'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
        'code': code,
        'redirect_uri': self.authorization_flow.redirect_url

    return await self._get_token(body)

This function takes care of the user interaction that is normally required to get the code from spotify which is necessary to request the refresh_token and the oauth_token. The token which is returned by this function has to be passed to API.get_auth_token_with_code(code) to get the refresh_token and the oauth_token. The big advantage is that you don't have to run a callback server to get the code


This will only work if the user has at least once accepted the scopes your app is requesting. I would recommend that you take a look at the source code of this function before you use it and that you are familiar with the authorization mechanism of spotify.


This method is intended for automated testing. You have to decide if you want to use it in you production environment.


Name Type Description Default
cookies SpotifyCookie

The cookies of the spotify account. Every property of the class has to be filled in.



Type Description

If the cookie is not valid


If there is a redirect between you and spotify


If there is an unknown error


Type Description

The spotify code which can be used to get a refresh_token and a oauth_token

Source code in async_spotify/api/
async def get_code_with_cookie(self, cookies: SpotifyCookie) -> str:
    This function takes care of the user interaction that is normally required to get the code from spotify
    which is necessary to request the refresh_token and the oauth_token.
    The token which is returned by this function has to be passed to API.get_auth_token_with_code(code)
    to get the refresh_token and the oauth_token.
    The big advantage is that you don't have to run a callback server to get the code

        This will only work if the user has at least once accepted the scopes your app is requesting.
        I would recommend that you take a look at the source code of this function before you use it and that you
        are familiar with the authorization mechanism of spotify.

        This method is intended for automated testing. You have to decide if you want to use it in you production

        cookies: The cookies of the spotify account. Every property of the class has to be filled in.

        SpotifyError: If the cookie is not valid
        SpotifyError: If there is a redirect between you and spotify
        SpotifyError: If there is an unknown error

        The spotify code which can be used to get a refresh_token and a oauth_token

    # Build the auth url
    url = self.build_authorization_url(show_dialog=False)

    # Check if the cookie file is valid
    if not cookies.valid:
        raise SpotifyError(ErrorMessage(message='The cookies are not complete').__dict__)

    # Convert the class to a dict
    cookie_dict: dict = cookies.__dict__

    return await self._track_request_without_callback(cookie_dict, url)

next(self, url, auth_token=None) async

Get the next 'page' of the response


Name Type Description Default
url str

The next url

auth_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory



Type Description

The api response

Source code in async_spotify/api/
async def next(self, url: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> dict:
    Get the next 'page' of the response

        url: The next url
        auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

        The api response

    return await self._api_request_handler.make_request('GET', url, {}, auth_token)

open_oauth_dialog_in_browser(self, show_dialogue=True)

Open the url in browser Only for testing purposes or the usage of this library in a desktop app


Name Type Description Default
show_dialogue bool

Should the spotify auth dialog be shown

Source code in async_spotify/api/
def open_oauth_dialog_in_browser(self, show_dialogue: bool = True) -> None:
    Open the url in browser
    Only for testing purposes or the usage of this library in a desktop app

        show_dialogue: Should the spotify auth dialog be shown

    # Open url in a new window of the default browser, if possible

previous(self, url, auth_token=None) async

Get the next 'previous' of the response


Name Type Description Default
url str

The previous url

auth_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory



Type Description

The api response

Source code in async_spotify/api/
async def previous(self, url: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> dict:
    Get the next 'previous' of the response

        url: The previous url
        auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

        The api response

    return await self._api_request_handler.make_request('GET', url, {}, auth_token)

refresh_token(self, auth_token=None) async

Refresh the auth token with the refresh token or get a new auth token and refresh token with the code returned by the spotify auth flow.


Name Type Description Default
auth_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The refresh token or the code returned by the spotify auth flow. Leave empty if you enabled hold_authentication. Then the internal token will be used.



Type Description

The SpotifyAuthorisationToken

Source code in async_spotify/api/
async def refresh_token(self, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> SpotifyAuthorisationToken:
    Refresh the auth token with the refresh token or get a new auth token and refresh token with the code returned
    by the spotify auth flow.

        auth_token: The refresh token or the code returned by the spotify auth flow. Leave empty if you enabled
            hold_authentication. Then the internal token will be used.


        The SpotifyAuthorisationToken


    # Check if the internal auth token should be used
    if not auth_token and self._hold_authentication:
        auth_token = self._spotify_authorisation_token

    body: dict = {
        'grant_type': 'refresh_token',
        'refresh_token': auth_token.refresh_token

    response_json: dict = await self._make_auth_api_request(body)

    refresh_token = auth_token.refresh_token
    access_token = response_json['access_token']

    # Keep the auth token in memory
    self._spotify_authorisation_token.refresh_token = refresh_token
    self._spotify_authorisation_token.activation_time = int(time.time())
    self._spotify_authorisation_token.access_token = access_token

    return deepcopy(self._spotify_authorisation_token)

Last update: April 11, 2020