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Module with the playlists endpoint

Playlists (Endpoint)

Playlist endpoint

Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/
class Playlists(Endpoint):
    Playlist endpoint

    async def add_tracks(self, playlist_id: str, spotify_uris: List[str], position: int = None,
                         auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> None:
        Add one or more tracks to a user’s playlist.


            position: The position to insert the items, a zero-based index. Appended if omitted
            spotify_uris: A list of spotify uris
            playlist_id: The id of the playlist
            auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

        body = {
            'uris': spotify_uris

        if position is not None:
            body['position'] = position

        url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.ADD_TRACKS, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})

        await self.api_request_handler.make_request('POST', url, {}, auth_token, body=body)

    async def change_details(self, playlist_id: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None, **kwargs) -> None:
        Change a playlist’s name and public/private state. (The user must, of course, own the playlist.)


            playlist_id: The id of the playlist
            auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory
            kwargs: Optional arguments as keyword args

        url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.ONE, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})
        await self.api_request_handler.make_request('PUT', url, {}, auth_token, body=kwargs)

    async def create_playlist(self, user_id: str, playlist_name: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None,
                              **kwargs) -> dict:
        Change a playlist’s name and public/private state. (The user must, of course, own the playlist.)


            user_id: The id of the user
            playlist_name: THe name of the playlist
            auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory
            kwargs: Optional arguments as keyword args

        url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.CREATE, {'user_id': user_id})
        return await self.api_request_handler.make_request('POST', url, {}, auth_token,
                                                           body={**{'name': playlist_name}, **kwargs})

    async def current_get_all(self, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None, **kwargs) -> dict:
        Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by the current Spotify user.


            auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory
            kwargs: Optional arguments as keyword args

            A List of Current User's Playlists

        return await self.api_request_handler.make_request('GET', URLS.PLAYLIST.ME, kwargs, auth_token)

    async def get_user_all(self, user_id: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None, **kwargs) -> dict:
        Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by a Spotify user.


            user_id: The id of the spotify user
            auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory
            kwargs: Optional arguments as keyword args

            A List of a User's Playlists

        url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.USER, {'user_id': user_id})
        return await self.api_request_handler.make_request('GET', url, kwargs, auth_token)

    async def get_one(self, playlist_id: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None, **kwargs) -> dict:
       Get a playlist owned by a Spotify user.


            playlist_id: The id of the Playlist
            auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory
            kwargs: Optional arguments as keyword args

            A Playlist

        url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.ONE, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})
        return await self.api_request_handler.make_request('GET', url, kwargs, auth_token)

    async def get_cover(self, playlist_id: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> dict:
        Get the current image associated with a specific playlist.


            playlist_id: The id of the Playlist
            auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

            The cover image

        url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.COVER, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})
        return await self.api_request_handler.make_request('GET', url, {}, auth_token)

    async def get_tracks(self, playlist_id: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None, **kwargs) -> dict:
        Get full details of the tracks or episodes of a playlist owned by a Spotify user.


            playlist_id: The id of the Playlist
            auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory
            kwargs: Optional arguments as keyword args

            The cover image

        args = {**{'playlist_id': playlist_id}, **kwargs}
        url, args = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.TRACKS, args)
        return await self.api_request_handler.make_request('GET', url, args, auth_token)

    async def remove_tracks(self, playlist_id: str, spotify_uris: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]],
                            auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> None:
        Remove one or more items from a user’s playlist.


            playlist_id: The id of the playlist
            spotify_uris: A dict with a list of spotify uris in the tracks key
            auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

        url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.ADD_TRACKS, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})

        await self.api_request_handler.make_request('DELETE', url, {}, auth_token, body=spotify_uris)

    async def reorder_tracks(self, playlist_id: str, position_dict: Dict[str, Union[int, str]], snapshot_id: str = None,
                             auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> dict:
        Reorder an item or a group of items in a playlist.


            playlist_id: The playlist id
            position_dict: The dict which reorders the tracks
            snapshot_id: The playlist’s snapshot ID against which you want to make the changes.
            auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

            A json with the snapshot_id

        url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.TRACKS, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})

        body = position_dict
        if snapshot_id:
            body['snapshot_id'] = snapshot_id

        return await self.api_request_handler.make_request('PUT', url, {}, auth_token, body=body)

    async def replace_tracks(self, playlist_id: str, spotify_uris: List[str],
                             auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> None:
        Replace all the items in a playlist, overwriting its existing items. This powerful request can be useful for
        replacing items, re-ordering existing items, or clearing the playlist.


            spotify_uris: A list of spotify uris
            playlist_id: The id of the playlist
            auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

        body = {
            'uris': spotify_uris

        url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.ADD_TRACKS, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})

        await self.api_request_handler.make_request('PUT', url, {}, auth_token, body=body)

    async def upload_cover(self, playlist_id: str, base_64_image: base64,
                           auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> None:

        Replace the image used to represent a specific playlist.


            playlist_id: The id of the playlist
            base_64_image: Base64 encoded JPEG image data, maximum payload size is 256 KB
            auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

        url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.COVER, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})
        await self.api_request_handler.make_request('PUT', url, {}, auth_token, base_64_image)

add_tracks(self, playlist_id, spotify_uris, position=None, auth_token=None) async

Add one or more tracks to a user’s playlist.


Name Type Description Default
position int

The position to insert the items, a zero-based index. Appended if omitted

spotify_uris List[str]

A list of spotify uris

playlist_id str

The id of the playlist

auth_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/
async def add_tracks(self, playlist_id: str, spotify_uris: List[str], position: int = None,
                     auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> None:
    Add one or more tracks to a user’s playlist.


        position: The position to insert the items, a zero-based index. Appended if omitted
        spotify_uris: A list of spotify uris
        playlist_id: The id of the playlist
        auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

    body = {
        'uris': spotify_uris

    if position is not None:
        body['position'] = position

    url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.ADD_TRACKS, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})

    await self.api_request_handler.make_request('POST', url, {}, auth_token, body=body)

change_details(self, playlist_id, auth_token=None, **kwargs) async

Change a playlist’s name and public/private state. (The user must, of course, own the playlist.)


Name Type Description Default
playlist_id str

The id of the playlist

auth_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory


Optional arguments as keyword args

Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/
async def change_details(self, playlist_id: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None, **kwargs) -> None:
    Change a playlist’s name and public/private state. (The user must, of course, own the playlist.)


        playlist_id: The id of the playlist
        auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory
        kwargs: Optional arguments as keyword args

    url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.ONE, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})
    await self.api_request_handler.make_request('PUT', url, {}, auth_token, body=kwargs)

create_playlist(self, user_id, playlist_name, auth_token=None, **kwargs) async

Change a playlist’s name and public/private state. (The user must, of course, own the playlist.)


Name Type Description Default
user_id str

The id of the user

playlist_name str

THe name of the playlist

auth_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory


Optional arguments as keyword args

Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/
async def create_playlist(self, user_id: str, playlist_name: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None,
                          **kwargs) -> dict:
    Change a playlist’s name and public/private state. (The user must, of course, own the playlist.)


        user_id: The id of the user
        playlist_name: THe name of the playlist
        auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory
        kwargs: Optional arguments as keyword args

    url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.CREATE, {'user_id': user_id})
    return await self.api_request_handler.make_request('POST', url, {}, auth_token,
                                                       body={**{'name': playlist_name}, **kwargs})

current_get_all(self, auth_token=None, **kwargs) async

Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by the current Spotify user.


Name Type Description Default
auth_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory


Optional arguments as keyword args



Type Description

A List of Current User's Playlists

Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/
async def current_get_all(self, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None, **kwargs) -> dict:
    Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by the current Spotify user.


        auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory
        kwargs: Optional arguments as keyword args

        A List of Current User's Playlists

    return await self.api_request_handler.make_request('GET', URLS.PLAYLIST.ME, kwargs, auth_token)

get_cover(self, playlist_id, auth_token=None) async

Get the current image associated with a specific playlist.


Name Type Description Default
playlist_id str

The id of the Playlist

auth_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory



Type Description

The cover image

Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/
async def get_cover(self, playlist_id: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> dict:
    Get the current image associated with a specific playlist.


        playlist_id: The id of the Playlist
        auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

        The cover image

    url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.COVER, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})
    return await self.api_request_handler.make_request('GET', url, {}, auth_token)

get_one(self, playlist_id, auth_token=None, **kwargs) async

Get a playlist owned by a Spotify user.

!!! notes

!!! args playlist_id: The id of the Playlist auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory kwargs: Optional arguments as keyword args

!!! returns A Playlist

Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/
async def get_one(self, playlist_id: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None, **kwargs) -> dict:
   Get a playlist owned by a Spotify user.


        playlist_id: The id of the Playlist
        auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory
        kwargs: Optional arguments as keyword args

        A Playlist

    url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.ONE, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})
    return await self.api_request_handler.make_request('GET', url, kwargs, auth_token)

get_tracks(self, playlist_id, auth_token=None, **kwargs) async

Get full details of the tracks or episodes of a playlist owned by a Spotify user.


Name Type Description Default
playlist_id str

The id of the Playlist

auth_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory


Optional arguments as keyword args



Type Description

The cover image

Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/
async def get_tracks(self, playlist_id: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None, **kwargs) -> dict:
    Get full details of the tracks or episodes of a playlist owned by a Spotify user.


        playlist_id: The id of the Playlist
        auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory
        kwargs: Optional arguments as keyword args

        The cover image

    args = {**{'playlist_id': playlist_id}, **kwargs}
    url, args = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.TRACKS, args)
    return await self.api_request_handler.make_request('GET', url, args, auth_token)

get_user_all(self, user_id, auth_token=None, **kwargs) async

Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by a Spotify user.


Name Type Description Default
user_id str

The id of the spotify user

auth_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory


Optional arguments as keyword args



Type Description

A List of a User's Playlists

Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/
async def get_user_all(self, user_id: str, auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None, **kwargs) -> dict:
    Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by a Spotify user.


        user_id: The id of the spotify user
        auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory
        kwargs: Optional arguments as keyword args

        A List of a User's Playlists

    url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.USER, {'user_id': user_id})
    return await self.api_request_handler.make_request('GET', url, kwargs, auth_token)

remove_tracks(self, playlist_id, spotify_uris, auth_token=None) async

Remove one or more items from a user’s playlist.


Name Type Description Default
playlist_id str

The id of the playlist

spotify_uris Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]

A dict with a list of spotify uris in the tracks key

auth_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/
async def remove_tracks(self, playlist_id: str, spotify_uris: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]],
                        auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> None:
    Remove one or more items from a user’s playlist.


        playlist_id: The id of the playlist
        spotify_uris: A dict with a list of spotify uris in the tracks key
        auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

    url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.ADD_TRACKS, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})

    await self.api_request_handler.make_request('DELETE', url, {}, auth_token, body=spotify_uris)

reorder_tracks(self, playlist_id, position_dict, snapshot_id=None, auth_token=None) async

Reorder an item or a group of items in a playlist.


Name Type Description Default
playlist_id str

The playlist id

position_dict Dict[str, Union[int, str]]

The dict which reorders the tracks

snapshot_id str

The playlist’s snapshot ID against which you want to make the changes.

auth_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory



Type Description

A json with the snapshot_id

Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/
async def reorder_tracks(self, playlist_id: str, position_dict: Dict[str, Union[int, str]], snapshot_id: str = None,
                         auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> dict:
    Reorder an item or a group of items in a playlist.


        playlist_id: The playlist id
        position_dict: The dict which reorders the tracks
        snapshot_id: The playlist’s snapshot ID against which you want to make the changes.
        auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

        A json with the snapshot_id

    url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.TRACKS, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})

    body = position_dict
    if snapshot_id:
        body['snapshot_id'] = snapshot_id

    return await self.api_request_handler.make_request('PUT', url, {}, auth_token, body=body)

replace_tracks(self, playlist_id, spotify_uris, auth_token=None) async

Replace all the items in a playlist, overwriting its existing items. This powerful request can be useful for replacing items, re-ordering existing items, or clearing the playlist.


Name Type Description Default
spotify_uris List[str]

A list of spotify uris

playlist_id str

The id of the playlist

auth_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/
async def replace_tracks(self, playlist_id: str, spotify_uris: List[str],
                         auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> None:
    Replace all the items in a playlist, overwriting its existing items. This powerful request can be useful for
    replacing items, re-ordering existing items, or clearing the playlist.


        spotify_uris: A list of spotify uris
        playlist_id: The id of the playlist
        auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

    body = {
        'uris': spotify_uris

    url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.ADD_TRACKS, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})

    await self.api_request_handler.make_request('PUT', url, {}, auth_token, body=body)

upload_cover(self, playlist_id, base_64_image, auth_token=None) async

Replace the image used to represent a specific playlist.


Name Type Description Default
playlist_id str

The id of the playlist

base_64_image <module 'base64' from '/usr/lib/python3.8/'>

Base64 encoded JPEG image data, maximum payload size is 256 KB

auth_token SpotifyAuthorisationToken

The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

Source code in async_spotify/api/_endpoints/
async def upload_cover(self, playlist_id: str, base_64_image: base64,
                       auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = None) -> None:

    Replace the image used to represent a specific playlist.


        playlist_id: The id of the playlist
        base_64_image: Base64 encoded JPEG image data, maximum payload size is 256 KB
        auth_token: The auth token if you set the api class not to keep the token in memory

    url, _ = self._add_url_params(URLS.PLAYLIST.COVER, {'playlist_id': playlist_id})
    await self.api_request_handler.make_request('PUT', url, {}, auth_token, base_64_image)

Last update: April 27, 2020